Monday, 7 January 2013

My coaching session & others 15/10/12

My joint session (with Sam Tozzi)
Working on Technique, feeder warm up

The session
In a marked out area or section have 1/3 of the group have bibs on (the feeders).
The rest jog around the area asking for the ball from the feeders to feed the ball into them for the player to return in.
To start off the players first had to return the ball by a ground pass, this was then changed after 1 or so minutes to volley returns then knee returns then to finish off a headed return.
The feeders change once we shout change giving everybody a go at being both a feeder and a returner so everyone is warming up.
Strengths of session
  1. Skill based
  2. Everyone involved and moving around
  3. Uses different skills & techniques
  4. Relevant to football
  5. Good use of area
  6. Swapped feeders & kept the session fresh
Possible Improvements
  1. Get feeders on the move
  2. Try and work all the body i.e Headers & chest
  3. Demonstration needed
  4. Be more clear about what we want the players to do

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